The Network was born with the specific objective of telling a story, which is not only that of individual places but of all the towns that make up the Belìce Valley - culturally and socially - with the aim of making people reflect on the concepts of " belonging " and of “ community ”.
The history of the ancient arts, of the landscape and of its geomorphological and natural modifications, the analysis of the cultural identity of each individual community and in particular to this heritage is added the drama of the earthquake, the reconstruction of the earthquake-hit cities which determined the "encounter" with the great masters of contemporary art who have reconfigured the Sicilian territory with their works (think of Alberto Burri's "Cretto", in Gibellina), or what remains of the vanished urban realities in the Belìce valley (the ruins of Poggioreale and/or those of Salaparuta), contemporary art donated by the great masters. History and collections already told and documented in some highly structured and historicized museums and in others recently established.

Our goals

Con il cuore rivolto ai territori

To take care of

We conserve, protect and enhance objects linked to tradition and historical memory


We tell the story of a territory, that of the Belìce Valley, through the places that are part of it


Creating a "network" to consolidate an integrated system on a territorial scale, to tell the identities of a territory together.

The Network is made up of different subjects, by museum collection and/or cultural and historical interests, it has a transversal nature with themes common to many member museums, which often intertwine the different municipal areas: "the places of the Leopard, art and contemporary architecture, the prehistory of the Lower Belice, archeology, anthropology and last but not least the Memory of the 1968 earthquake”; all topics whose essential elements give back an overall reading of the Belice valley, of the history, of art, of the material culture, of the architecture and of the landscape of the Lower Belìce, allowing it to be known, preserved and valorised.

Our Members

The Network adheres to:

Organization chart

Joseph Salluzzo
Vice president
Vito Zarzana
Gianni DiMatteo
Treasurer and board member
Joseph Bivona
Joseph Cacioppo
Head of Reserves and itineraries, member of the Board
Giulia Casamento
Head of museum standards and board member
Gianni DiMatteo
Responsible for educational activities, relations with schools, member of the board
Giuseppe Maiorana

Historical organization chart


from 2012 to 2016 Vincenzo Fiammetta
dal 2016 al 2020 Joseph Salluzzo
dal 2020 al 2024 Giuseppe Maiorana
dal 2024 Giuseppe Maiorana

Vice Presidents

dal 2015 al 2016 Vito Zarzana
dal 2016 al 2020 Vito Zarzana
dal 2020 al 2024 Giulia Casamento
dal 2024 Giulia Casamento


dal 2012 al 2016 Joseph Salluzzo
dal 2016 al 2019 Maria Elena Cusenza
dal 2019 al 2020 Gianni DiMatteo
dal 2020 al 2024 Gianni di Matteo
dal 2024 Michele Benfari


dal 2012 al 2016 Giuseppe Maiorana
dal 2016 al 2020 Joseph Cacioppo
dal 2020 al 2024 Vincent Messana
dal 2024 Vincent Messana


dal 2012 al 2016 Joseph Bivona
dal 2016 al 2020 Joseph Bivona
dal 2020 al 2024 Joseph Bivona
dal 2024 Joseph Bivona

Board of directors

from 2012 to 2016
Giuseppe Bivona, Valentina Barbera, Baldo Cacioppo, Giorgio Cacioppo, Vincenzo Corseri, Vincenzo Fiammetta, Gisella Foto, Michele La Tona, Giuseppe Maiorana, Francesco Messina, Giuseppe Salluzzo, Vito Zarzana

from 2016 to 2020
Giuseppe Bivona, Giulia Casamento, Giuseppe Cacioppo, Vincenzo Corseri, Vincenzo Fiammetta, Giuseppe Maiorana, Giuseppe Salluzzo, Vito Zarzana

dal 2020 al 2024
Giuseppe Maiorana, Giulia Casamento, Vincenza Messana, Maria Scavuzzo, Vincenzo Fiammetta, Giuseppe Bivona, Giuseppe Cacioppo, Gianni Di Matteo

dal 2024
Michele Benfari, Giuseppe Maiorana, Giulia Casamento, Giuseppe Bivona, Vincenza Messana, Maria Scavuzzo, Antonino M. La Commare, Roberto Puccio

A bit of history


In November 2010 the Belicina Museum and Natural Network was established , with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between municipalities, foundations, associations and cultural institutions located in the Belicina area in a territory that includes 14 municipalities between the provinces of Agrigento , Trapani and Palermo.


The Belicina Museum and Natural Network Association was established in March 2012. From the very first meetings, everyone felt the need to follow this path, given the current fragility of museum structures that suffer from the lack of a concrete cultural and common development project.


Presentation of the Network at the Regional Department of BB.CC. in the presence of Councilor Mariarita Sgarlata, of the main directors of the museum and natural structures, of the directors of the archaeological parks and of the administrators of the participating local bodies.


We belong to the National Association of Small Museums (APM). In September, we participate in the 8th regional conference on local government and local interest museums in Campania. In November, we meet representatives from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the Sicilian Region. The Belicina museum and natural network is a member of Federcultura , the federation of companies and bodies managing culture, tourism, sport and leisure. From 12 to 15 September we participate in the Argenta Ecomuseum Fair .


On 2 and 3 October 2015 the network is presented at the Sixth National Conference of Small Museums , in Massa Marittima, by the National Association of Small Museums in collaboration with the Metalliferous Hills Cooperative with the report "The Small Museums of Belìce: sharing opportunities, itineraries and territory".


Adesione alla proposta della dott.ssa Elisa Bonacini sul Progetto per dotare tutti i musei aderenti alla Rete Museale e Naturale Belicina di audioguide multimediali e partecipate gratuite per tutti.
La Rete aderisce al Gal Valle del Belìce, costituito da 12 Comuni e 58 aziende e associazioni private.
Meeting delle Reti Museali, Culturali e Naturali Siciliane a Caltanissetta sul tema: “La strada delle Reti per lo sviluppo della cultura e del turismo in Sicilia”.
Partecipazione al tavolo tecnico “Risorse culturali, innovazioni e creatività” con la presenza del direttore della Rete, Maria Elena Cusenza.


Exhibition “ Seismic Landscapes. 1968-2018: The Belìce valley 50 years after the earthquake ”, in collaboration with INGV.


Participation in the technical table " 50th anniversary of the Belìce Valley Earthquake "
Mibac opens in the Territories , Catania, Aula Magna of the Rectorate of the University of Catania.

They collaborated with us

Sebastiano Tusa, Archaeologist
Maria Rita Sgarlata, Archaeologist
Gianni Polizzi, Photographer
Elisa Bonacini, Archaeologist and Museologist
Gianfranco Zanna, Regional President of Legambiente

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