You discover!
of Memory
Reclaiming identity and beauty.
The Itinerary
The youngest of the museums in the network is Belìce/EpiCentre of Living Memory in Gibellina, which tells of the struggles of the people of these lands starting from the march led by Danilo Dolci in 1967 and then going through the popular disagreements after the earthquake and reconstruction. In Santa Margherita di Belìce, in the new building that incorporates the ruins of the Mother Church, destroyed by the earthquake of 1968, the Museum of Memory has been set up, inside it there are images of the earthquake, newspaper articles of the time and documents that tell the story of the Belìce earthquake . Two structures that leave strong emotions in the visitor, the hardships and the vicissitudes of a people who must re-appropriate their identity and the beauty of the places they have lost.